nusantara 88 gading88 login The vessel KARYA NUSANTARA 88 is a General Cargo Ship built in 1991 and currently sailing under the flag of Unknown
slot jago 88 230 Followers, 64 Following, 24 Posts - NUSANTARA 88 on : Route : Sanana-Malbufa-Pas ipa-Losseng-Bobong- Bitung s d Umpan Puspita FH Relix Nusantara 88 mm gram Lure Minnow Umpan Pancing Ultralight Casting UL 16 % Berakhir pada 1 hari 20:24:50
kuro88 KARYA NUSANTARA 88 is a Cargo and is sailing under the flag of Indonesia Her length overall is 75 meters and her width Berita sabuk nusantara 88